Happy October, friends! It's the start of a new month, which means it's time for another Ambassador Feature! This month, we hung out with the founders of Off & Out, Jordan and Eva Vaughn! Read on to learn all about their #ThunderStory and how you can get involved with their immersive camping experience, Off & Out! Get ready, because it's in-tents! (lol, get it?)

Tell us about yourself!

We met working at lululemon. We both played sports in college so it was a great landing place for personal development and transition into a new phase in our lives. We got married in April of 2017 after a year on the road together. 

What's your #ThunderStory? How did you find and fall in love with out brand? 

We first grabbed a Thunderbird Bar at SNAP Kitchen as a quick snack when we saw how few, but quality ingredients were in the bars. There was no turning back after the taste of that first one.

What inspired you to take on a healthy lifestyle/what is your food philosophy?

Before we moved to Austin we weren't in many conversations around "GMO's" or "organic". It was cool to see how Austinites considered what they were consuming and where it was coming from. This inspired us to get curious around how/what we were consuming. But don't get us wrong we still eat pizza once a week.

Any challenges you've overcome that you're proud of?

In 2015, we left our jobs and hit the road to camp all the National Parks in the contiguous United States. We lived out of our Jeep for a year, tent-camping our way through the most beautiful places in the nation. It changed us. We discovered the generosity of strangers, how little we need to be happy, and time spent in the outdoors can be both healing and humbling. There plenty of times where no showers, pit toilets and finances felt too overwhelming to keep going, and we're so proud we did.

What is Off & Out?

Off & Out is an overnight adventure where you can disconnect from your phone, bond around the campfire, learn something new and return refreshed and restored. It's ultimately our effort to create the conditions to leave each other better than we found each other.

What made you decide to start Off & Out? 

Shortly after our journey we returned to Austin, got married, and resumed full-time jobs. While work continued to be exciting, we daydreamed of spending more time outdoors and found it difficult to fit camping trips into our busy schedules. When we did, we noticed the impact spending even one night in the tent had on our mind and spirit. This strengthened our belief in the power of slowing down, disconnecting and having quality conversations around a campfire. We want to share that to impact people with high stress jobs/lifestyles.

What advice would you give to others who are interested in living a more adventurous, disconnected, balanced lifestyle?

The word adventure comes with a lot of pressure. You don't need to plan a grand trip somewhere. Invite a friend to do a day-trip to McKinney Falls, walk the trail around Town Lake, jump in some water. 

What is your favorite Thunderbird flavor?

Eva: Hemp Sunflower Pumpkin Seed Jordan: Cashew Fig Carrot

What is your favorite way to enjoy Thunderbird? 

They're great after a dip in Deep Eddy, but nothing beats a Thunderbird Bar after a really tough hike.

How can we follow along on your journey? 

You can find us at @peachnectar @jordanjayvaughn @offandout and offandout.com

When is your next Off & Out Trip and how can we sign up?

October 26th is our first official camp! You can purchase a spot on our website, or keep an eye on our social channels for other meetups. A big goal of ours is to give back to the amazing parks and community of Austin that we enjoy so much. We're so proud to be a part of the Thunderbird community!

Are you interested in becoming a brand ambassador for Thunderbird? Check out our application HERE!

Rachel Shay
Tagged: ambassadors